How to register a custom list serializer with Spring Boot / Jackson

Hiep Doan
2 min readApr 21, 2018

Recently, I ran into a situation where I wanted to customize the Json serialization of a list in an API response.

TL/DR: you can find the full source code on my github:

Concretely, I have a list of language strings:

public class LanguageString {

Locale locale;
String value;

and it should be serialized to: (a map-like format instead of a Json list)

"de": "hallo",
"en": "hello",
"fr": "bonjour"

To change the default json serialization with Jackson, you can implement a custom serializer and then you can either:

  • Annotate every field that you want to use that serializer with @JsonSerializer(use = YourCustomSerializerClass.class). This is not a choice for us as we simply have the List<LanguageString> everywhere and we want to set a default behaviour for it.
  • Register your custom serializer with Jackson config and the data type. This normally works fine without collection type. After quite a bit of struggling to make it work and still failed, I came across the comment in Jackson’s
* Method for adding serializer to handle values of specific type.
* WARNING! Type matching only uses type-erased {
@code Class} and should NOT
* be used when registering serializers for generic types like
* {
@link java.util.Collection} and {@link java.util.Map}.

So, it turns out that you can not add a custom serializer with generic type. I tried to google quite a bit but people just recommend to add annotation in the filed. Time to dig in the source code!!

Finally, after a bit more struggling, I found out that there is a class name SimpleSerializers where Jackson uses to define which serializer it should use for a collection type. So easy job now, you just need to override the method to point to your own custom serializer.

public class CollectionTypeJsonSerializer extends SimpleSerializers {

public JsonSerializer<?> findCollectionSerializer(SerializationConfig config,
CollectionType type,
BeanDescription beanDesc,
TypeSerializer elementTypeSerializer,
JsonSerializer<Object> elementValueSerializer) {
//if the collection is of type LanguageString, then use custom collection serializer
if (isLanguageStringListType(type)) {
return new LanguageStringListSerializer();

return findSerializer(config, type, beanDesc);

private boolean isLanguageStringListType(CollectionType type) {
CollectionType languageStringArrayListType = TypeFactory.defaultInstance()
.constructCollectionType(ArrayList.class, LanguageString.class);

CollectionType languageStringListType = TypeFactory.defaultInstance()
.constructCollectionType(List.class, LanguageString.class);

return (type.equals(languageStringListType) || type.equals(languageStringArrayListType));

And then, you can register your new SimpleSerializers by setting it as the serializer for a module in Jackson config:

public class JacksonConfig {
public ObjectMapper jsonObjectMapper() {
ArrayList<Module> modules = new ArrayList<>();

//CollectionType Serialization
SimpleModule collectionTypeSerializerModule = new SimpleModule();
collectionTypeSerializerModule.setSerializers(new CollectionTypeJsonSerializer());

return Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder.json()

Then that’s it.

I guess the take-away lesson here is that as a developer, sometimes it’s worthwhile (and fruitful) to dig into the source code, instead of just googling around.

